5 Woof-tastic Ways to Tackle Common dog behaviour problems

Hey there, fellow dog lovers! Is your furry friend driving you barking mad with some naughty habits? Don’t worry, you’re not alone in the doghouse! Let’s wag our tails and dive into some common dog behaviour problems and how to sort them out.

8 Most common dog behaviour problems

1. The Grumpy Growler

Is your pooch turning into a bit of a Grinch? Growling, snapping, or playing a game of “chase the postman” are signs your four-legged friend might need some help in the manners department.

2. The Separation Drama Queen

Does your dog turn into a furry soap opera star when you leave? Destructive behaviour, endless woofing, or unexpected “presents” on the carpet are telltale signs of separation anxiety.

3. The Neighbourhood Town Crier

While we all love a good chat, if your dog’s constantly yapping away like they’re narrating their own reality show, it might be time for some quiet lessons.

4. The Furniture Taste-Tester

Is your pup treating your home like an all-you-can-chew buffet? This common puppy behaviour issue can leave your favourite shoes looking like they’ve been through the wars!

5. The Enthusiastic Greeter

Does your dog think they’re a kangaroo, bouncing up to say hello? While it’s sweet, it can be a bit much, especially if your furry friend is more of a Great Dane than a Chihuahua!

6. The Walkies Warrior

Is your daily stroll turning into a tug-of-war championship? Leash pulling can make walkies less than wonderful and might have you feeling like you’ve joined a dog sledding team!

7. The Possessive Pup

Does your dog guard their toys like a dragon hoarding gold? Resource guarding can be a tricky behaviour to crack, but it’s important to address.

8. The Nervous Nellie

Is your pup more scaredy-cat than brave pooch? Fear and anxiety can make life ruff for both you and your furry friend.

So, how do we turn these troublesome tykes into perfect pooches? Here are some tail-wagging tips:

Home remedies for common dog behavioural issues

After covering all those behaviour problems, let’s start troubleshooting your dog’s problems. We’re starting with actions you can take yourself.

1. Treat them right

Use positive reinforcement to reward good behaviour. Who doesn’t love a tasty treat?

2. Be the pack leader

Set consistent rules that everyone follows. Your dog will thank you for the clarity!

3. Tire them out

A tired dog is a good dog. Plenty of exercise keeps them happy and less likely to redecorate your living room!

4. Socialise, socialise, socialise

Introduce your pup to new experiences early on to prevent fear-based behaviours.

5. Redirect the rascal

For chewers, give them appropriate toys. Your slippers will thank you!

6. Play it cool

Ignore attention-seeking behaviours. It’s hard, but worth it in the long run!

7. Create a canine cave

Give your dog a safe space to retreat to when they’re feeling overwhelmed.

When DIY Doesn’t Do It

Sometimes, we need to call in the big guns. Here are some professional techniques that might help:

1. Behaviour modification

Fancy term for changing how your dog responds to certain situations.

2. EFT Tapping

It’s like acupuncture, but with tapping instead of needles. Sounds barking mad, but it can work wonders!

3. Safe and Sound Protocol for dogs

Using music to calm your canine? It’s not just a party trick!

4. Medication

Sometimes, a little medical help can go a long way. Always consult your vet first!

5. Professional dog training

When all else fails, bring in a certified dog whisperer to work their magic.

Remember, every dog is unique, just like their pawrents! What works for one might not work for another. The key is patience, consistency, and lots of love. And always check with your vet to rule out any underlying health issues.

So, are you ready to turn your troublesome terrier into a perfect pooch? With these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to harmony in your human-hound household. Happy training, and may the paws be with you!