Does your dog get anxious about going to the vet?

If your furry friend freaks out every time you head towards the vet, fear not. You’re not alone!

Hey there, fellow dog lovers! Let’s talk about something we’ve all experienced – that moment when your pup realises they’re heading to the vet. Suddenly, your usually happy bouncy bundle of fur turns into a quivering mess of anxiety. Sound familiar? 

Don’t worry, you’re not alone in dealing with your dog getting anxious going to vet visits!

Why your dog’s anxiety surges

First things first, let’s get into the furry little heads of our four-legged friends. What is it about the vet that might activate their nervous system, getting them all worked up?

1. Strange smells

That antiseptic odour? Yeah, it’s not exactly ‘eau de dog park’. Remembering that dogs have a far superior sense of smell than us mere humans, it’s easy to imagine a vet clinic having quite an overwhelming odour (even if does seem better to us than the certain other things they love sniffing, if you catch my drift).

2. Unfamiliar faces and touches

Imagine strangers poking and prodding you. Not fun, right? A lot of us humans get anxious heading into medical appointments too!

3. Past experiences

If they’ve had a painful procedure before, they might be remembering that. It could also just have been a bit unpleasant without necessarily being painful. Think about how some of our dogs respond to simply getting their nails trimmed (it can be quite the drama!).

4. Your stress

Yep, they can sense when we’re anxious too! Dogs are incredibly perceptive of the world around them, especially of their main human. So if you’re feeling a bit stressed and anxious about the vet appointment, your dog could very well be picking up on that.

Dog being treated by the vet. Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels

Turning Vet Visits from Dreadful to Doable

Now, let’s talk about how we can help our furry friends go from anxious about the vet visit to calm and collected:

1. Practice and prepare

Try some ‘pretend’ vet visits at home. Slowly get your dog used to being touched on their paws, ears, mouth etc. 

The benefit is that in the comfort of your home, you can take your time desensitizing your pup to different experiences including scents, sounds and of course touch. And of course, don’t forget to give lots of rewards!

2. Positive associations

Make the car ride fun! If the only time your dog is in the car or in a crate, is when something ‘bad’ is about to happen, then naturally they’ll form a negative association with that. 

You might take your pup to the park on your way to the vet or create some other kind of positive experience for them, so the vet doesn’t become a purely negative or stressful experience.

Bonus tip: Think about how kids feel about doctor’s visits… Chances are they’re not the biggest fans either. But if they know they get a popsicle from the doc each time… well then suddenly it’s not all bad.

3. Treats, treats, treats

Bring their favourite snacks to the vet. Seems obvious, but in the rush of life it can be easy to forget. Nothing says “this place isn’t so bad” like a tasty treat!

If your dog isn’t particularly food motivated, you could bring a ball or toy along instead.

4. Stay calm

Remember, our pups pick up on our vibes. Take some deep breaths for yourself and show them it’s all good. Regulating our own nervous systems helps us as well as everyone around us!

5. Find an extra-friendly vet

Look for a clinic that has experience with anxious or fearful dogs and goes the extra mile to make pets comfortable.

When to Call in the Pros

If you’ve tried the above tips to make vet visits less anxiety inducing, and your dog’s anxiety is still off the charts each time, don’t hesitate to chat with a professional about it. 

You can chat to your regular vet, a canine behaviour expert, or reach out to us to see if K9ease’s program would suit your pup’s needs.

Remember, there’s no shame in seeking help. We all want our fur babies to be happy and healthy!

Wrapping It Up with a Bow (or a Bone)

Dealing with your dog’s anxiety about going to vet appointments can be tough, but with a little patience and a lot of love, we can make it easier on our four-legged family members. 

After all, they’re always there for us, so it’s only fair we help them through the ruff (pun intended) times too!

Got any tips for helping anxious pups at the vet? Share them on our Instagram @k9ease – let’s help each other out! 

And remember, a little extra cuddle time after a vet visit never hurts. Your brave little buddy deserves it!