SSP Shop

Our mission

Our mission at K9ease is to provide simple and powerful tools that enhance the well-being of everyone we interact with – humans and animals, individuals and communities, at both the local and global levels. We do not discriminate based on socioeconomic status, gender, sexual orientation, citizenship, religion, or physical ability.

Our commitment

We are committed to our values of inclusivity, accessibility, kindness, and compassion. Whenever we have the resources, we offer sponsored options. Our patron supporters also help us to support dogs in shelters, rescue organizations, and individuals facing financial hardship.

Sliding scale payments

We offer payment options on a sliding scale to accommodate your budget. Our Sponsored SSP program requires a small financial contribution to sign up and incentivize commitment to the program, but we offer a refund upon completion. We put a lot of work into analyzing intake forms and allocating resources to tailor the program to each individual situation.

Money back guarantee

Not all dogs are suitable for the SSP program at all times. If, during the onboarding process or any time during the program, we believe it is not in your dog’s best interest to continue, we offer a full refund.

We also offer a money-back guarantee if you are unsatisfied with the program’s results three months after completion.


Enrich our growing community with a $45 commitment

In financial hardship and want to be considered as a sponsored participant.

Up to 3-month access to SSP, with ongoing support to tailor the program to you.

Fully refundable $45 deposit once you complete the program or if SSP is deemed unsuitable for your dog at this time.

Apply by emailing us.

There is a monthly maximum number of sponsored places. 


Enrich our growing community with a $75 commitment

In a position to cover K9ease basic business overheads.

Up to 3-month access to SSP, with ongoing support to tailor the program to you

Willing to offer support in social media shares and/or spreading the word in other social networks.

There is a monthly maximum number ORIGINATOR places. If you cannot purchase this option then this maximum has been exceeded. Please email us at to go on the waitlist. 


Enrich our growing community $80 – $190 sliding scale; pay as you feel

Contribute up to the level you are able on the sliding scale, making K9ease a sustainable venture that can continue offering the SSP to more dogs around the world.

Up to 3-month access to SSP, with ongoing support to tailor the program to you

Willing to offer support in social media shares and/or spreading the word in other social networks.


Take support to the next level: $195 and above

Can pay the full fee and more to support K9ease in their mission, so we can grow and develop more resources for anxious dogs and their owners.

Wish to help those with fewer financial means benefit.

Up to 3-month access to SSP, with ongoing support to tailor the program to you.

The choice to be included in our patron supporters list

Not sure yet? Check out our FAQs and Get Started page for more information.

We offer payment options on a sliding scale to accommodate your budget. Our Sponsored SSP program requires a financial commitment to sign up, but the amount is refunded upon completion of the program. This is to incentivize commitment to the program. We put a lot of work into analyzing intake forms and allocating resources to tailor the program to each individual situation.

Mysti from New Hampshire